He likes to do sound effects and eat pretend carrots. Kids come up on stage to help the bunny. Mr Wizard has been performing puppets for 35 years. All of the voices are performed live. Music is added to the show. Children learn about the different types of puppets. They are: Marrionetttes , Mouth Puppets, Hand Puppets and Ventriloquism style puppets. Hoppy the Bunny is one of the main characters.
Mr.Ralph and Miss Suzie find the Magic flower. In this show Ralph is trying to find a magic flower to give to Suzie. Many characters appear during the show to help with the magic.
This show is great around the Christmas Holiday. The show has lot's of Christmas songs that kids can sing. Jingle Bells, Rudolph , Santa Claus is coming to town. The crowd can sing Let it go too. This show is a holiday favorite.
This is a school show in Riverview Michigan. The big beautiful puppet theater is called the "Star & Moon Puppet theater."
I turn your child into a pretend human puppet. I hold the puppet mouth device in front of the child's face and it looks like they are talking. It is really funny and a favorite part of my show.
Kids enjoy helping with the show. This was a school show in Rochester Michigan. In this show, I let the kids work the puppets. During a puppet show kids may help with holding a puppet and moving it so it will talk.
The performance is done ventriloquist style. That means I don't move my mouth while Spotty speaks. Kids are invited up on stage to meet Spotty. They may be asked to help feed him a ice cream cone or birthday cake. Spotty make noises and talks. He also does sound effects and tells knock knock jokes for kids. He is very entertaining.
A dozen different puppet characters help the Bunny find the Magic Egg. We bring a puppet theatre with a curtain on it covered in stars and moons. The puppets ask the kids questions. The audience helps the bunny find the magic egg. The Bunny meets a Wizard , Shaggy Dog , Cat , Mouse , Duck , Grandma , Skunk & Panda bear There is interaction with the audience throughout the show and much laughter.